Material Sciences: FUNFORLAB


The FUNFORLAB project focuses on an ICTE serious game. Several factors will ensure a wide implementation of the game in the training of Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) in most of the EMR’s MLT training centers and beyond.

  • Early information and massive involvement of the target audiences "MLT trainers and learners" and "MLT professionals" throughout the development of the game;
  • "Open Access" status of the tool;
  • Development of explanatory tutorials for the game;
  • Integration of the game into a pedagogical scenario that will be provided with the game to all TLM's initial and continuous education centers.

Through the development and design of this game, several objectives will be worked on in parallel:

  1. Increased employability of TLMs by activating specific skills on automatons through the "Serious Game" tool ;
  2. Increased interregional mobility of students and professionals;
  3. Promotion of scientific professions, including MLT, to secondary school students by disseminating the game in secondary school science classes, at information fairs, on social networks, etc.

The project starts with an euregional SWOT analyses regarding the different aspects of MLT training in the different EMR regions. The meeting brings together representatives of all target audiences: NEETS, pupils and teachers of secondary education, students and teacher of MLT schools and representatives of professional associations. It focuses on the early orientation of secondary school pupils to scientific options, the transition of secondary school students to MLT studies and training for the MLT profession. Results of this SWOT analysis will be used for:

  • Design of the serious game FUNFORLAB;
  • Definition of MLT cursus’s needs in the EMR, in terms of virtual training for handling automatons;
  • Sharing good and innovative teaching practices (success aid tools, international mobility).

Based on these results, a strategic plan for the wide dissemination of good practices and an euregional pedagogical scenario for the implementation of the game will be developed.

Following these specifications, a prototype of the serious game ICTE tool is developed. This prototype will be tested and critically evaluated during:

  • Awareness-raising workshops aimed at secondary school students and NEETS;
  • Training workshops for the integration of games into the teaching practices of secondary school science.
  • Training seminars aiming the autonomous use of the game for MLT students.
  • Co-construction workshops on the integration of the tool in the MLT training curriculum.

Through the seminars and workshops, the partners will create a lasting virtual FUNFORLAB community with all participants. This community is maintained through newsletters and exchange forums available on the FUNFORLAB website.

Expected results
This project proposes to develop an ICTE tool for initiation and teaching targeted secondary school students, including early leaving school students, as well as medical laboratory technologist (MLT) students and their respective teachers. Through this tool, impacts at three different levels are expected:

  • To improve practice of specific skills on the automatons present in the clinical biology laboratories and through this, increase the employability of MLTs;
  • To increase the interregional mobility of students and professionals on the one hand, and to initiate the evolution of TLM training towards a standardization of training paths, on the other. Both will be achieved through the exchange of good practice and the creation of a transregional educational and professional network.
  • To stimulate the interest of secondary school students in science in general via the FUNFORLAB game and to motivate them to join the TLM formation.

Project partners

  • Leadpartner: Research centre of the grouped institutes of the Free Mosan High School – CRIG
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  • UC Limburg vzw – UCLL
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  • Centre de Coopération technique et pédagogique, research centre associated with the Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège – CECOTEPE
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  • Ausbildungsakademie für Gesundheitsberufe, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen – UKAachen
    uniklinik rwth logo
  • Centre for Research and Continuing Education of the Haute Ecole Namur Liège Luxembourg – FoRS
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  • Zuyd Hogeschool


The project is funded by INTERREG, a European Union funding programme that tackles disparities between regions and encourages cross-border collaboration. With the support of the European Regional Development, and the Dutch Province of Limburg, the European Union is investing in your future.





Lectoraat Material Sciences
Nieuw Eyckholt 300
6419 DJ Heerlen